My father was a lifelong amateur runner. He began taking part in the London Marathon when he was aged 60, and ran it on eleven occasions; this was to have been the sole topic of this page, however he actually did much more running than that — so this page’s scope is expanded to cover some of his other runs too.
Last modified on 2023 October 4
Above: Roger in The Mall after completing
his first London Marathon, on 21 April 1996. He looks so fresh as if he
has scarcely run at all! Although he came in just on 3h30m, he had been aiming
for 3h20m but (as my contemporary diary records it) seems put out
not having managed to maintain his planned pace all the way to the
end; during my phonecall with him that night I had to try and cheer him
up over it.
From a 2014 email: The first time I did it, in 1996, I *thought* I
could run 7:30 a mile, and did so for two hours, but then I absolutely
couldn’t keep it up, and the last part became *very* difficult because I
had not admitted soon enough that I would have to slow down!
This page was born from the data in the table below, which were originally the fruit of a data-gathering exercise shortly after Roger’s death in order that we could establish how many London Marathons he had run; such data were not kept methodically kept — except in his head — so some detective work had been required.
In addition to these London Marathons, Roger ran in just two other marathon races, so far as we know: the Potteries Marathon in Stoke-on-Trent, on Sunday 20 June 1999 (on a hilly course, he clocked what was then his PB of 3h29m, which he would better only in the following year’s London); and the Robin Hood Marathon in Nottingham on Sunday 11 September 2005 (3h42m).
Above: Roger at Westferry Circus during his 2002 London Marathon. I had discovered in 2000 that this was a good vantage-point through relative absence of crowds, meaning there was space and time for Roger to pull over briefly if he wanted to.
Roger took part in at least 10 instances of The Otmoor Challenge, between 1992 and 2007 inclusive; it takes place annually in June a few miles to the north-east of Oxford, and comprises a 13-mile somewhat hilly route. From the partial results I can find, he achieved 1h31m in 1996, 1h36m in 1999, 1h31m again in 2001, 1h40m in 2003, 1h41m in 2005, and 1h44m in 2006.
Roger was also the ‘first finisher’ in the 1966 (sic) Cambridge Boundary
Run, an annual marathon-distance jog around the perimeter of the City
of Cambridge in which he partook on (he reckoned) 16 occasions [this was
up to April 2004, and we know he ran it in at least 2006 too]; but at the
time this was not regarded as a race. However, the fact that Roger, an
‘unknown’, finished ahead of everyone else — including Scottish
International runner Alasdair Heron who had claimed beforehand that I
shall be leading
! — did cause its organising club the Hare &
Hounds to make sure some of its members ran in it thereafter to
ensure they ‘won’ it! Roger tells the details of this story in a
2004 email of personal reminiscences which has been saved for interest
[Roger’s diary, Monday 7 March 1966: Boundary run in
afternoon; was first back in field of 104.
He took part in various other events and races, including (at one day’s notice) the Bury 20 in Bury St. Edmunds on Saturday 27 February 1999 (completed in 2h33m), the Grunty Fen Marathon in at least 2006, as well as several sponsored runs:
Above: Training pays off! This is the moment that Roger set his all-time Personal Best, on 16 April 2000 at his second London Marathon.
Naturally, this page has a tendency to focus on the competitive events and public-facing accomplishments of Roger’s running. But in order to achieve those, a considerable amount of training was required. In actual fact, Roger loved running purely for its own sake, and rarely ‘forced himself’ to go out if the weather or his mood discouraged it. He also relied somewhat upon natural talent, and did not work as hard on training as the experts would imply that a Marathon entrant ought to do.
His favourite route (about 8 miles) was from St. John’s College, across Midsummer Common and beside the River Cam through Ditton Meadows to Baits Bite Lock, crossing the river there to return on the western side. An extended version of this run, to Clayhithe, he did quite often too. When seeking a more vigorous training he would sometimes run to Ely or to Huntingdon, each of the order of 20 miles away.
We know that he also sometimes ran to Royston; he sought out other destinations of interest from time to time, such as this example from October 2007 when he emailed me with an account of his long-sought achievement of reaching Rivey Hill, Linton.
Roger mostly ran alone, right from his school days. But in late 1995
or soon after, he joined his University’s running club, the Hare & Hounds. He subsequently admitted in 2004
that he had been rather stupid not to join it until after I was
. He ran with them, typically on the Sunday ‘easy runs’, the ‘tea
runs’, and sometimes in competitive events such as the Chariots of
Fire races. An email from 2005 refers to (among
other running activities) how he was in devastating form
and got
his C-team ahead of the B-team!
Roger also led runners one-quarter of his age on midnight runs to Grantchester under the light of the full moon!
Roger started and finished 11 London Marathons.
Above: Roger nearing the completion of his tenth London Marathon, in 2011. I was positioned on Waterloo Bridge (with about 500 other people vying for the same vantage-point), and although Roger is apparently waving to me from the Embankment he could of course not see me among the throng — but had remembered to wave as if seeing me anyway!
Year | # | Age (years) | Race Time | Comments | Reference/Proof |
1996 | 1 | 60 | 3h30m05s | Disappointed, as he was aiming for 3h20m. Travelling to OHP early next day. | personalised results-sheet from Champion Chip |
1997 | 61 | — | Injured | ||
1998 | 62 | — | Injured | ||
1999 | 63 | — | Was not selected in the ballot; went observing at the DAO; ran 3h29m PB in the Potteries Marathon instead. | ||
2000 | 2 | 64 | 3h24m36s | Personal Best. “Only ran it once before”; was aiming for 3h28m to beat his PB, but had factored in a one-minute walk per mile for the final 6 miles, but in the end forced himself to keep going and so made up 4 mins extra. I accompanied him from & to Cambridge. | “3h24m32s” on “running records” post-it note, but “3h24m36s” on official result slip |
2001 | 65 | — | On a cruise | ||
2002 | 3 | 66 | 3h30m42s | 15th in category M65 | official result slip |
2003 | 4 | 67 | 3h36m04s | Trains from Cambridge were disrupted, had to run to the start as starting-gun was fired. | official result slip (but ‘gun time’ of 3h38m39s). See this cutting from the front page of the next day’s Cambridge Evening News, ‘Fellow polishes off fourth marathon’. |
2004 | 68 | — | Leg injury | ||
2005 | 69 | — | In Sinai; also, clocked 3h42m in the Robin Hood Marathon to restore his ‘good for age’ qualification and thus regain automatic entry to next year’s London. | ||
2006 | 5 | 70 | 3h33m10s | 2nd in category M70 | official result slip |
2007 | 6 | 71 | 3h39m12s | 2nd in category M70 | official result slip |
2008 | 7 | 72 | 3h43m44s | Finished just ahead of Gordon Ramsay (see photo!) | official result slip |
2009 | 8 | 73 | 3h49m04s | “My eighth” LM; “tore calf muscle at mile 8”, 3rd in M70 | Results output from LM website |
2010 | 9 | 74 | 3h57m08s | “Despite gammy leg”, read 1st lesson in Chapel afterwards | Results output from LM Website |
2011 | 10 | 75 | 3h53m25s | 4th in M70, no worse than 2nd in fictitious category “M75”; I drove him from Cambridge | Results output from LM Website |
2012 | 76 | — | Withdrew with calf-injury. “had run it in each of the last 6 years, since I was 70” | ||
2013 | 77 | — | Withdrew — cardiologist advice — atrial fibrillation | ||
2014 | 11 | 78 | 4h48m10s | Despite injury. Told everyone at Excel “I’ll be 80 next year”! | Results output from LM Website |
2015 | 79 | — | “I do not feel up to it this year” | ||
2016 | 80 | — | “Did not run” / “did not register on any of the previous 4 days” |
Above: I accompanied Roger to the Excel
Exhibition Centre in Docklands on the Friday before his last London
Marathon, in April 2014. Ever the competitor, he had deliberately
avoided having a haircut so that his white hair would be more visible;
and although he was aged 78, he would be 79 in August of that year. So,
to everyone he met (including Bruce
Tulloh and 1983 winner
Mike Gratton, with both of whom he’d trained in The Algarve,
Portugal, and to whom he introduced me), he claimed, I’ll be 80 next
, which was both perfectly true, and intentionally
Below: As late as Wednesday night before
the race he was on the verge of not starting because of having developed
a bad knee overnight. But in the end, despite his injury, and despite
having to walk quite a bit of this race, he finished well within 5 hours
— but grumbled about it being his Personal Worst